What are the benefits of IV infusion therapy?
- Infusion therapy provides hydration, replenishes electrolytes, and secures adequate amounts of oxygen are delivered to tissues and organs.
- In those suffering from fibromyalgia certain types of IV therapy significantly improves pain, depression, and quality of life.
- By providing nutrients for metabolic functions, IV therapy helps to increase metabolic function that results in increased energy, mood and improved sense of well-being.
- Certain IV infusions can be of cosmetic benefit providing improvement in skin radiance, hair and nail health.

Who would benefit from IV therapy?
Those suffering from migraines
People suffering from dehydration and nausea (such as after strenuous exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, gastrointestinal virus, viral respiratory illness to name a few)
Those with certain digestive disorders who might not absorb vitamins through oral supplementation (Chron’s, ulcerative colitis, history of gastric bypass)
Those suffering from fibromyalgia
Most people due to modern diets frequently lacking nutrients and vitamins needed for optimal cellular function.
What are the risks associated with IV infusion therapy
Vitamin and micronutrients IV infusion therapy is considered safe for most people, however each person requires individual assessment by a qualified healthcare professional to determine safety of a specific infusion.
Please call 410-305-4363 if you have any further questions or would like to schedule an appointment.